@APEC Architect Project Monitoring Committee, Japan

APEC Architect Project Monitoring Committee, Japan Japanese Monitoring Committee

Japanese Monitoring Committee


On July 16, 2004, The Japan APEC Architect Project Monitoring Committee was established, under an agreement among the relevant Ministries (The Ministry of Justice, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).

(2)Member list as of January, 2024

Mr. FURUYA Nobuaki (President, Japan Federation of Architects & Building Engineers Associations)
Mr. UENO Hiroya (President, Japan Association of Architectural Firms)
Mr. SATO Naomi (President, The Japan Institute of Architects)
Mr. HASUWA Kenji (Vice-chairman, Japan Federation of Construction Contractors)
Mr. TAKEUCHI Toru (President, Architectural Institute of Japan)
Mr. INOUE Katsunori (President, Japan Architectural Education and Information Center)