Professional practice of APEC Architect Register


Registration number of APEC Architect  JP00427
Name  TAKANASHI Motohisa
Business Address
Name Nikken Sekkei Ltd.
Address 2-18-3 Iidabashi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,102-8117
Telephone 03-5226-3030    

 ●Project Name RIKEN RI-Beam Factory Experiment Building
 ●Occupancy Laboratory, Administration office
 ●Construciton Method RC ・ SRC
 ●Size Total Floor Area: 18,296 u 
Number of Stories: 4 above and 4 below ground
 ●Brief description of project The RI Beam-Factory Experiment Building is facility that does experiments of covering a wide range of Basic Science with RI-Beam that is generated by the world powerful Cyclotron in adjacent Accelerator Building. Heavy RC wall shelters intense radiation and grand space of experiment are characteristic. The Experiment Building is a square building approximately size 70m x 70m. It is building by steel encased reinforced concrete structure with four levels basement and four floors above ground. The basement section goes down to a depth of approximately 20m from ground. The western half of the underground section is the Beam line Test Area where the beams slit. The eastern half will house the world's first electron-RI-Beam Collider.